Workshops Website Design
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Website Design Workshop

Several people ranging from teenager to adult recently created their own websites at a two-day workshop held in the undercroft of St. James (see examples). Using Powermac computers and simple word processing programs, each person learned how to type HTML "tags" to enable a web browser to read the webpage. Images were collected and converted to JPEGs and GIFs.

Interesting designs were created in the Paint window of Appleworks. Then the images were exported as GIF or JPEG files. Both of these formats can be viewed by dropping the file into a web browser such as Internet Explorer.

HTML means 'Hyper Text Markup Language' and is the standard used on web pages. The HTML of any web page can be seen by selecting View>Source in your browser.

Starting from 'scratch' on a blank word document, each person typed 'chicken beaks' < > to form the basic HTML tags . Then text and images were added for substance. Finally hyperlinks were made between several pages. The 10 Commandments were done in this way so that one could navigate from an index page to each of the commandments. Hexadecimal colors were fun to experiment with, finding which combination of six numbers / letters would make the wildest color. For example 000000 makes Black while FFFFFF yields pure White.

References and examples can be viewed here.

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